Archive for May, 2011

May 31, 2011

handprint message board

Handprints freeze time & capture precious memories.  Check out this cute, functional message board project:


  1. paint hands with craft paint & press flat to board (shown: hard board found at Hobby Lobby), let dry
  2. stretch heavy-duty rubber bands onto board at varying intervals
  3. use paper clips or binder clips, if needed, for hanging pics, etc.
  4. attach strong binder clip at the top to hang or lean against wall
May 26, 2011

ribbon board

A little girl’s room gets happy with the project below.  Another simple way to bring room colors or patterns (zoom in to view the polka dot theme) together while having a purpose of displaying pictures, notes, etc..   


  1. choose a frame (pictured: $1 thrift shop find) & cut foam core to size or reuse current contents
  2. glue cushy backing (quilting material works) onto foam core, bring around edges
  3. attach fabric, pulling it tight around all sides, with glue or strong tape to the back
  4. attach ribbon to fabric by sewing buttons through everything with upholstery thread, pull tight & secure thread to the back
  5. insert ribbon board into frame
May 24, 2011

platter shelf

Who says shoe shelves have to be for shoes?  Platters = awkward pieces to store.  Try an inexpensive shoe shelf for neat, accessible platter storage within cabinets.

May 20, 2011

nifty clipboards

An easy, inexpensive, purposeful project to tie room colors (space pictured: blues, greens, black/gray/cream) together:


  1. cut paper to clipboard size
  2. decoupage paper to clipboard allowing to dry thoroughly prior to use
  3. thread coordinating ribbon for hanging
May 18, 2011


A place to write the week’s schedule, reminders, kudos, messages, etc..  In case one thinks the chalkboard is simplistic….. a schedule on display shows respect for all ages, mommy ceases being the human calendar (pretty much), & weekly quotes or scripture communicate priorities & give life direction.  Plus, chalkboards add character to any room!


  1. find a frame, make sure it is deep enough to hold a board
  2. cut a piece of hardboard to size (big box home improvement stores will typically cut for free)
  3. prime & paint (I used Benjamin Moore), let it dry & cure
  4. secure into frame with enough backing that the board is solid when pressed
  5. attach frame to wall 
May 16, 2011

bulldog clip art display

Kids’ artwork is amazing.  We now have a special spot for hanging the masterpieces.   Putting up and taking down art is a cinch, plus it has a modern, timeless look.   


  1. cut and paint boards of your choice (shown:  glossy cream on primed .5″ thick, 1.5″ tall wood (found at Home Depot))
  2. nail the boards to the wall into studs, sink the nails, fill the holes and touch up with paint
  3. screw bulldog clips into the boards (hint:  use blue tape to figure out where to place the clips prior to drilling holes)