Archive for August 25th, 2011

August 25, 2011

magnet board +

The piece below has been in operation for nearly 8 years, moving from toddler to tween with ease.


  1. find a large frame (shown -thrift shop, $7) with approx. 3/8″ deep inset
  2. cut a piece of  1/4″ plywood to frame size
  3. attach french board portion using batting, fabric, ribbon, staple gun &  glue
  4. nail or glue separation wood strip or trim
  5. use construction adhesive (caulk gun tube) to adhere a piece of sheet metal (sized to remaining area) to plywood, make top edge flush to wood separation piece
  6. secure into frame, attach to wall – finished product is heavy!  Use appropriate hardware for a safe usage.


  • use wall space behind a door – floor to near ceiling
  • other possible combos – dry erase, bulletin board, bulldog clips
  • if ribbons get saggy, glue them at intersections & disguise with button, or use a deep, unmovable tack